Notice is hereby given that the Ancient Mariners Cricket Club Annual General Meeting will take place on:
Friday 28th February 2020 at “The Crown Inn”, Chiddingfold.
We’ll meet from 7pm for a 7.30pm start to the meeting.
Sandwiches and bar snacks will be provided at the club’s expense and drinks will be available at the bar by the usual means.
- Apologies for Absence
- Minutes of Last AGM
- Captains’ Report
- Hon. Treasurer’s Report
- Election of Officers
- Fixtures and Match Managing
- Club Social Events
- AOB (Please raise any matters of concern to you).
The below are proposed for the following offices; others may be proposed before the AGM:
President: Mr. R G Francis
Vice Presidents: Mr. D L Booth, Mrs. P Beckett, Mr. A A Hook, Mr. J W Hook, Mr. G R G Lea, Mr. T Petzold, Mr A Falk, Mr M P O’Meara
Hon. Treasurer: Mr. M P O’Meara
Hon. Fixture Secretary: Mr. M J Mitton
Hon. Secretary: Mr. M A Wootton
Club Committee: (excluding ex officio members) E. J. Chesterman, C van Oppen, J. S. Holmes, M. L. Bowles, W
Westwood, R Harris